The Long Shadow of White Supremacy in U.S. Foreign Policy

Alex Langer (Ph.D., CU Boulder, 2020) examines the long legacy of white supremacy in US foreign policy. Last month on Erstwhile, Sarah Luginbill examined the long history of misinformation, bad history, and blatant lies that have led racists and white supremacists to embrace the Middle Ages as an Anglo-Saxon utopia. This week, I want to…

Erstwhile at the Movies: Jojo Rabbit

Taika Waititi’s (Māori) Jojo Rabbit (2019) is a film that simultaneously reminds audiences of the beauty of youthful innocence and the pernicious toxicity of Nazism—two things that moviegoers of all ages in this moment of xenophobia and nationalism could stand to be reminded of. Note: spoilers ahead.